About Ball & Feather

Around the world, communities rally around their local sports teams, wearing their club’s logo on everything from shirts to socks to blankets to baby clothes. Our founder has always been fascinated by sports logos. These visual representations of a team come in all shapes and sizes, but the best ones also tell a story. Ball & Feather was born out of this idea.

A trip to the English countryside over a decade ago turned into a tour a small-town soccer club stadiums. Aside from the hospitality that Alex was shown during these visits, what struck him was how embedded these teams were in their local communities. That showed in the team logos, or crests, too. Local landmarks and elements from a town’s coat of arms were common. And so was wildlife. But not big, intimidating things. Birds, and common ones at that. It made him think, what if our major sports teams in America incorporated things we commonly see in our backyards? Would we pause to appreciate those things more? And would that appreciation spark greater respect for them, encouraging each of us to take action before they become uncommon.

Suppose we were more deeply connected to our natural surroundings. How might that influence sport and the way teams represent themselves? And if the teams we hold in such high regard better represented our natural communities, would it inspire us to pay closer attention to the birds in the sky and the trees in our backyard? Would we work harder to protect them?

That’s what we hope Ball & Feather will do for each of you. Take a natural element from our communities, especially those often overlooked, and celebrate it through the lens of sport.

Simply bringing awareness to something is often the first step in protecting it.

And we’ll look awesome while doing it.

In addition to Ball & Feather’s regular merchandise, special release designs are periodically released, telling stories about unique places and species.

Each special release will donate a portion of sales to conservation-based organizations with close ties to the design.